Katie Stubblefield wiki, bio, age, face transplant, accident, artist, story

Katie Stubblefield is the youngest person to ever receive a face transplant. At 18, she lost her face in a tragic accident. Her story of second chance has been truly inspiring in many aspects.

Fast Facts

  • Full Name  : Katie Stubblefield
  • Birth Date  : NA
  • Birthplace  : NA
  • Wiki              : NA

Katie Stubblefield: the accident

The 21-year old Katie Stubblefield lost her face when she was 18. It all started when she read her boyfriend's text messages with another girl. The betrayal was too much for her so young Katie did what she thought would make it all go away.

She reportedly drove to her brother's house and attempted suicide with a rifle. She shot herself through the chin but miraculously surviving the attempt.

Katie was later found lying on the floor by her brother in the upstairs room. His exact words from the National Geographic interview was, "and her face was gone.”

Katie Stubblefield: the face transplant

Katie Stubblefield


Katie was rushed to the hospital when she was found by her brother. The doctor's first solution was to save the parts of her face that remained.

But, the skin grafts that doctors used to close the open wounds on her face kept falling off. They tried to sew her eyelids shut to help her corneas heal and stabilize her jaw and cheekbones but that would not be a long-term solution.

So, at last, the doctors suggested a face transplant to Katie's parents. When Katie heard the news, though confused at first, she was excited and grateful for the second chance she was given in life. But, it would take another two and a half years before Katie finally underwent the surgery.

Katie Stubblefield: Doner And National Geographic

Stubblefield finally received the face of Adrea Schneider, who died in May 2017 due to a drug overdose.  Schneider’s face will mold to her bone structure as it heals so she will reportedly not look like her although she is literally using her face.

Katie's whole two and a half year journey was documented by the National Geographic. Every little detail about her story from the suicide attempt to being the youngest person to receive a face transplant is captured by it.