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Jason Rubin (born in 1970) is an American video game director, writer, and comic book creator.

He is most popular for the Crash Bandicoot and Jak and Daxter series of games which were delivered by Naughty Dog, the game advancement studio he helped to establish with an accomplice and cherished companion Andy Gavin in 1986.

He was the leader of THQ before its conclusion because of liquidation on January 23, 2013. 


Rubin and Andy Gavin framed Naughty Dog in 1986. Sometime thereafter, they distributed their first game together — a budget were title called Ski Crazed. In 1989, Rubin and Gavin offered their first game to Electronic Arts: a pretending game called Keef the Thief. 

While Gavin was an undergrad in Haverford College and Rubin was going to the University of Michigan, they teamed up with one another on their next title: a pretending game called Rings of Power.

The game started as a PC title, however during gatherings at Electronic Arts Gavin detected a figured out Sega Genesis, pitched a marginally changed rendition of the title to Trip Hawkins, and the title turned into the couple's first control center game. Rings of Power actually has a faction following today. 

After much influence from Hawkins, Rubin and Gavin went out on a limb and began planning Way of the Warrior, which was vigorously roused by Mortal Kombat, for the 3DO control center.

They demoed the game at CES and got interested from Skip Paul, previous Chairman of Atari's Coin-Op division and afterward top of the new Universal Interactive Studios.

Avoid marked the pair to a three title improvement bargain at Universal, moving them out to the Universal Studios parcel and acquainting them with Mark Cerny, who worked with the pair on the plan of their next title, which was a "Jackass Kong Country-motivated" 3D platformer called Crash Bandicoot. 

Crash Bandicoot ended up being a gigantic achievement, and Sony utilized the primary person as their informal PlayStation mascot for quite a while.

Because of the great visuals which the designer had the option to accomplish from the PlayStation console, the game filled in as a quality benchmark that any remaining game engineers intended to coordinate, and the series generated three spin-offs by Naughty Dog selling more than 26 million units.

The series proceeds with other advancement groups, having sold in excess of 40 million units around the world. 

After their prosperity with Crash Bandicoot, Rubin and Gavin started chipping away at Jak and Daxter, an establishment that sold 9 million units through the different Naughty Dog manifestations.

The series proceeded with different engineers and as of now remains at 14 million duplicates sold around the world.

Before Jak and Daxter's delivery, Sony bought Naughty Dog, which turned into an entirely possessed auxiliary of Sony Computer Entertainment America in 2001. Therefore, Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy was grown only for the PlayStation 2. 

In their 18 years running Naughty Dog, they made fourteen unique games including Math Jam (1985), Ski Crazed (1986), Dream Zone (1987), Keef the Thief (1989), Rings of Power (1991), Way of the Warrior (1994), Crash Bandicoot (1996), Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back (1997), Crash Bandicoot: Warped (1998), Crash Team Racing (1999), Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy (2001), Jak II (2003), Jak 3 (2004) and Jak X: Combat Racing (2005).

Together these games have sold more than 35 million units and produced more than $1 billion in income. 

Only days in the wake of giving a dubious discourse at 2004's D.I.C.E. Highest point that censured distributors for not perceiving and advancing ability answerable for making games, Rubin openly reported his takeoff from Naughty Dog. 

On 29 May 2012, Rubin joined the striving computer game distributor THQ as President, and was liable for the entirety of THQ's overall item improvement, showcasing, and distributing tasks.

At the time Rubin joined THQ, the organization had laid off many its representatives and the stock had lost more than 99% of its worth from its high. 

As per Game Industry International, "setting Jason Rubin at the organization's steerage was obviously a decent move — the Naughty Dog originator has a lucky history and appropriately deserves the admiration of the business —, yet when he played the job, THQ's stock had effectively slammed and cutbacks were well in progress. The organization was mortally injured; Rubin's inability to revive his in critical condition patient ought not to think about at all his own gifts and capacities". 

To save the groups and items the board took the organization through a rebuilding. As a feature of that cycle, THQ petitioned for Chapter 11 with the expectation to auction its resources at closeout. 

Before long, THQ the executives reported a following pony bid for the organization by Clear Lake Capital for $60 million Handling the offer of THQ was Centerview Partners Skip Paul, a previous associate of Jason Rubin. 

Lenders said the proposed offer of THQ in liquidation court profited current THQ the board, including Rubin. Early leaser complaints and court records were not kind to THQ the board.

However not as generally promoted as the underlying analysis, Judge Walwrath shut down the whole bungle line of contention when she considered it a "fear-inspired notion" on the record.

Moreover, the same Creditors that made the underlying allegations, at last, made the strange stride of delivering THQ Management, including Rubin, of any misbehavior in the Company's Official Plan of Liquidation. 

Judge Mary F. Walrath chose to have a sale for the individual resources, and contending offers for the different pieces of THQ won.

However numerous representatives lost their positions in the insolvency, the improvement groups at Relic (purchased by Sega), Volition (purchased by Koch Media), and THQ Montreal (bought by Ubisoft) stayed unblemished, as did a lot of Vigils which became Crytek USA, and the entirety of the THQ items underway endure the liquidation have come or are planned to come out soon. 

In December 2012, THQ joined forces up with The Humble Bundle Team at Wolfire Games to make the Humble THQ Bundle raising more than 5 million dollars, a lot of it going to a good cause. Rubin gave more than $10,000 to a good cause as a feature of the occasion. 

During E3 2014 it was reported that Rubin joined Oculus VR, heading up the Oculus first-party content drives in Seattle, San Francisco, Menlo Park, Dallas, and Irvine.