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Previous WWE whiz Al Snow is being known as a saint subsequent to bouncing into the sea and saving a kid from suffocating. 

The 58-year-old was down on Santa Rosa Beach in Florida on Thursday when he heard shouting and hollering while he was in the ocean. 

Also, when ex-WWE man Snow went to perceive what was going on with the upheaval, he saw a kid being immersed by waves as a solid riptide maneuvered him into more profound waters. 

A lifeguard was available on the seashore, yet the previous grappler made the snap judgment that she would not have the option to make it on schedule thus chose to assume control over the issue. 

Talking about the occurrence, he told TMZ: "I made it, say thanks to God. 

"Also, I got him just by the arm similarly as a wave began to pull him much farther. 

"In the event that I hadn't have snatched him, I think he'd have most likely ventured out onto the ocean. That would have been it." 

Fortunately, the occurrence had a positive result as Snow figured out how to save the kid. 

However, briefly, it looked as though the two of them were in hot water when a wave took them under. 

The stressing scenes helped him to remember Shad Gaspard, an old grappler who appallingly kicked the bucket in the Pacific Ocean last year. 

Snow added: "I had the option to keep awake and hand him off to the lifeguard and I advanced back across to my companion and we went up on the seashore and I felt like I was going to implode. I was depleted." 

Neither Snow nor the kid experienced any wounds, with the grappler affirming that the kid's mum cried and said thanks to him bountifully after the occurrence.